When it comes to immigrating to Europe, many people want to move to Germany or Sweden. After all, these countries have a high standard of living and the highest salaries. However, in these countries there is high competition in the labor market and, moreover, harsh conditions for labor migration. Upon learning of this, many give up, believing that moving to a prosperous European country is an unattainable dream. But this is not so at all.
Poland is a promising European country with a dynamic labor market. New jobs are being created here, the average wage is constantly growing, and there are also a number of advantages that are valued by migrants. Working in Poland at a factory can help improve your financial situation, save up for an apartment or a car.
Plants and factories are located in the suburbs of large cities, so you can search for vacancies on the classifieds sites of the region you are interested in. Employment always requires a certain investment of time and effort from the applicant. Therefore, it is better to entrust the job search to a trusted employment agency. However, there is nothing impossible in finding a job in Poland on your own. It is worth remembering that an independent job search does not reduce the risk, as there will always be people who want to cash in on ordinary workers.
There are myths that foreigners face discrimination in the labor market, but this is not true. Working conditions for Poles and foreigners are equal. Work at enterprises in Poland from Monday to Friday in regular shifts of 10-12 hours a day. You can work on Saturday.
Often, working at a factory does not require knowledge of the Polish language. On the territory of the plant there are smoking rooms, changing rooms for employees with personal lockers, a place for a snack. There are always short breaks and time for lunch. There is a lot of competition in the labor market in Poland. Therefore, firms introduce special benefits, improve living and working conditions. Housing is provided, in one room 2-3 people.
If a labor migrant expects to get a job at a factory, it is imperative to assess their physical capabilities. Often this work is simple, but requires physical strength. The most popular areas are heavy industry, food processing and work in logistics centers and warehouses.